Wednesday, June 20, 2012

                   Welcome to Packleader Puppy Adventures!
   At Packleader Puppy Adventures we strive to develop a fundamental system where puppies & dogs of all ages can grow, learn and play together in a safe structured environment. Packs provide safety and help give puppies or new rescues much needed confidence. Similar to children , often the best way for them to gain confidence is by socializing with other children. As parents and loving pet owners we may often find ourselves in the way of this process, because naturally we want to protect them. Structured play times and developed pack association will not only benefit your puppy, providing the needs that only a the pack can, it will also greatly benefit your personal or families relationship to your loving companion.

Positive reinforcement is the key of my methods, using only quick-light reprimands for deviant behavior (i.e. head in the trash) and structured time out for more severe behavior (i.e. biting, strong fixation on smaller animals or children.) Giving our companions appropriate boundaries, structured guidance, and massive praise for positive behavior is highly important to our little friends health and behavior. Institute these things immediately, giving our friends a full circle of activity and love. Let your k-9 friends know when they are doing good. Take it over the top with hugs and affection shout their name in praise, clap for them! The more joy you can personally feel when you do this the better. Let yourself really feel proud of them and your puppies will thrive on your positive energy.